When Your Body is Telling You are Dehydrated


5 Warning Signs of Dehydration

In the intricate symphony of bodily communication, one must heed the urgent messages that arise, especially when it pertains to dehydration. Five pivotal signs emerge as sentinels, alerting you to the possibility of dehydration:

  1. Thirst and Lightheadedness: The initial notes of this symphony manifest as a yearning thirst and a subtle feeling of lightheadedness. These early signals should never be underestimated.

  2. Dry Mouth: A parched mouth, accompanied by an uncomfortable dryness, harmonizes with the chorus of signs. It serves as a poignant reminder that hydration is essential.

  3. Fatigue: As the composition progresses, a crescendo of fatigue sets in. This weariness infiltrates your being, signaling the need for replenishment.

  4. Dark-Colored, Strong-Smelling Urine: Watch for changes in your urine, as its color deepens and its scent intensifies. These transformations are the body's urgent pleas for rehydration.

  5. Reduced Urination Frequency: A notable shift in the rhythm occurs with a reduction in urine frequency. Your body, in its wisdom, conserves water, prompting you to listen closely.

As this symphony of signals unfolds, acknowledging its nuances becomes paramount. Thirst and lightheadedness serve as the initial movement, followed by the dry mouth's resonant chord. Fatigue takes the lead in the second movement, leading to the profound notes of changed urine characteristics and reduced urination frequency. By harmonizing with these signs, you can proactively compose your response to dehydration, thus orchestrating the safeguarding of your well-being.

Keep Hydrated in the Heat

As the blazing summer sun beats down and sweat starts to form, the body instantly begins craving something to quench your thirst. However, what we reach for to rehydrate is crucial. Though refreshing, many drinks actually have the opposite effect and end up dehydrating our bodies even more. Selecting a sugary drink, alcohol, or a caffeinated beverage can perform as a diuretic, worsening your dehydration. And with the historically high temperatures we have faced nationwide this summer, it is even more critical to protect ourselves by staying hydrated. While everyone’s hydration needs are different, it is recommended adults drink 72 - 104 ounces daily to maintain proper hydration. 

Dehydration Setting In 

Once you begin to feel thirsty, mild dehydration has already begun, and you need to act fast so symptoms do not worsen. 


Ensuring you are properly hydrated will support cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and alertness. It is also imperative for maintaining endurance, strength, and overall athletic performance. Additionally, a properly hydrated person’s skin appears healthier, more youthful, and is less prone to dryness and irritation. 


Drinking water throughout the day can also help you feel satisfied between meals and prevent you from snacking and eating excess calories. Ensuring you are properly hydrated will help boost your metabolism, ultimately helping you lose weight and/or manage your weight. 


The benefits of drinking water are truly endless and is something we should all prioritize in our daily lives. 

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